This is a letter that my mother wrote to my father back in 1975. It is amazing that he kept it, even more amazing that after all this time it ended up in my hands. It is nothing but the grace of God in action. Reading it now, gives me insight into how she felt about me. It comforts me in a way that no one could possibly understand. Isn't it just like God to cause a thing to happen at one time, so that it can bring about a new feeling or emotion at another? She had no idea that I would read this at the time she wrote it.
It makes me fully comprehend the power of the pen. Makes me want to watch what I write and who I write it to. You never know where your words will end up and who will be reading them.
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1 comment:
Hey Michelle,
You're just full of surprises. First the high school photo and now the letter. Where are you getting all of this stuff? You say that I never get rid of anything, I guess it rubbed off. Keep working on your "fine" as I too am working on mine. It's a little tuff at first, but think of how great you're going to look. Might even "catch" (Smile). It's like AA, "One Day At A Time" Just keep putting one foot in front of the the other and before you know it.. you'll be there! Hope your grandmother is better. She is in my daily prayers. LUV YA!
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