In June, Brianna and Brandon will graduate from high school. I am excited/nervous/thankful/apprehensive/emotional. I keep asking myself, "Have I taught them enough?", "Will they be ready?"
I keep thinking about how far we've come. I look back and remember all the bumps in the road, the transitions, sleepless nights and even though it didn't feel good at the time, I am thankful for them all.
It makes me appreciate this time even more. As they get ready for prom, their senior trip. I just remember what it was like for me and I get excited for them. What I wouldn't do to be able to press rewind and go back for just a little while.
There is a rule that during the graduation ceremony you are not allowed to clap or shout for your loved ones as their names are being called. I think this is the craziest, most absurd thing I have ever heard of.
Whatchu mean I can't shout????
Child please. I am gonna be all over that audiotorium jumping and shouting. All up and down the aisles. As much hell as we've been through????? As many times as I have had to fast, pray and cry? You think I am going to be quiet??
God had brought us to far. He has been way too good.
Though far from perfect, my kids are the exception to the rule. They didn't drop out, inspite of. They haven't ever been arrested, in spite of. They going to college, in spite of.
Oh yeah...it's on.
They will probably have to carry me out of there. In fact, I am certain of it. I have no intent on being quiet. Graduation is a few months away, but when I think about it now, it makes me well up. So I know by the time that day comes, I won't be any good.
It is hard to believe, but life for all of us is about to change.
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