Thursday, August 25, 2005

In Memory of Lafayette the King.

Thursday, August 25, 2005 12:57p.m.

You bring to life that which was
Every time you exhale
I take a deep breath of your presence
Fill my lungs with your essence
So strong I may choke
It makes me high
Higher than the mountain of potential
That stands between us
You give life to dreams that haven’t been
I close my eyes and remember
Soft touches in the darkness
Looking deep into your universe
And even though it’s pitch black power
I can still see your light
It guides me
Calms me while the storm subsides within me
You speak life to me with words I never
Heard spoken the way they are spoken
When they are spoken from you
You give me cipher
Make me hyper
Excite me with your lyricism
Spellbind me with a wicked tongue
I come
Close to elation as you riddle me
With artful syncopation
Captivated for the duration of your speech
You thrill me
And I smile until the next time
I get the chance
To have a slice
Of your

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