Friday, June 17, 2005

A Better Woman

i have to thank you
give you your props
high five
big ups
cause it's all because i met you
that I'm better
better than before
stronger than before
i now know
i know exactly what it takes to please a man
because i stretched myself beyond limits for you
reached way beyond boundaries
dug deep within the farthest
recesses of my mind
to find
a love
a love that knew no limits
it was reckless abandon
caution to the wind
it was careless and pure
irregular and unsure
but for me
it was love
love that made me better
love that made me cry
love that made me want
love that made me die
and then live
and that's why
i have to thank you
because you taught me valuable lessons
molded me and shaped me
forced me to
look at myself and realize

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