Monday, July 04, 2005

Journal Day 4, Freedom Ain't Free

In the 4th grade, I had to memorize Patrick Henry's "give me liberty or give me death" speech. A budding thespian at even that young age, I put my soul into it. With my hands on my hips and my neck rolling, by the time I got to the end of the speech, you'd have thought I was running for office. But like most politicians, it was a good memory and much rehearsal that helped me to bring life and passion to the words of another. I didn't even know what I was saying. But I'm analyzing those words today from a different perspective. I'm thinking how real Mr. Henry's desire for freedom must have been for him to say freedom or death. No one in their right mind would want to be bound figuratively or literally. I'm feeling the urge he had within him and I am on the verge of shaking my fist at the universe and shouting the same thing. The need and desire to be free cost Kunta Kinte his foot. It cost Nelson Mandela the bulk of his life. There ain't nothing free about wanting to be free. In fact, at the onset of making the decision, one must resign themselves to the notion that it can and will be quite costly. Fat pockets and a bank account won't suffice. It's going to cost you things you don't want to give up. Things much to valuable to consider. Things that can't be replaced. Time, blood, effort, tears and sometimes the very thing you hold dear, life itself. Who's to say if it's worth it or not? I'm searching for a sista within me that desires to be free above all else. Free to live life to it's fullest. Free to love hard and strong. Free to give until it hurts. Free to trust without reservation. And no matter how long it takes, or how much it costs, I know it will be worth it.
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