Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Journal Day 5, Amazing Grace

Seven is the number of completion, five is the number that represents grace. So when I realized that today's date was 7-05-05, I got happy because it was like an encrypted message sent to me by God. I am most definitely in a cycle of completion, and a double dose of grace will suit me just fine, thank you. It made me think of the rainbow that I saw last Thursday. My boss and I were driving down the highway and I just happened to look up in the sky and there it was. Most times you just see a small portion of a rainbow. But this was the whole arch, from beginning to end. Then if that wasn't enough, right above it you could see another, fainter rainbow. A meterologist will tell you that this isn't actually another rainbow, but rather a reflection of the first one. Signs and symbols may not excite the next person. But to someone searching, a sign or a symbol can make your day. A rainbow is God saying to me, "I haven't forgotten you." A rainbow always shows up just when I am at a point of feeling at the end of my rope. Sometimes I need reminding. It's like no matter how many times someone tells you they love you, you never get tired of hearing it and you can stand to hear it some more. No matter how much you witness something beautiful, you never get tired of seeing it and you are always willing to see it again. Each time, it's just as beautiful. I wasn't looking for grace today, but I got it anyway. I didn't even have to ask for it, it was just there waiting for me to acknowledge it. For that, I am grateful.
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