Sunday, July 17, 2005

Journal Days 15, 16, & 17 Writer's Block - Times 3

For the past 3 days I have been blocked about what to write. There are things I want to say; always something on my mind, but the words have escaped me. This isn't uncommon, there have been weeks and months at a time when I couldn't write a thing. I haven't written, but I have been dreaming. I've dreamed some crazy stuff these past couple days and for some reason the number 3 just keep popping up. Three dreams about my dad. A dream with 3 baby boys. Oh, and one really wild one featuring a tri-colored rabbit. Don't ask me for the interpretation....I haven't a clue. I know it means something. Just like I know that my 3 day writer's block is significant as well. From a spiritual standpoint, the number three represents many positive aspects. The triad is a symbol of the unity of mind, body and spirit. It is also the number of siblings I have, the number of children I have, and the amount of times I have been in love. Christ died at 33, after Peter denied him three times, and then rose on the 3rd day. Some say bad luck comes in threes, however, I can't subscribe to that belief. Instead I choose to embrace the idea that I myself am going through a resurrection experience of sorts myself.
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1 comment:

CARiM said...

This right chere is spooky...I am in block too...sigh we gotta get it together...and watch out for tri-colored wabbits!